语 言:
你们不了解杰克 / 你不知道的杰克
IMDb 链接: tt1132623
头发花白的杰克·科沃基恩(阿尔·帕西诺 Al Pacino
大众的一致反对,人们斥责他剥夺病患的生命,更送他“死亡医生”的绰号。在这一过程中,只有姐姐玛格(Brenda Vaccaro
面对巨大的压力,杰克从未表现出退缩,他深知病患的痛苦,因此为了帮助他们解脱即时身陷囹圄也在所 不惜……
這片你可以看到他飾演地老人家滿臉皺紋、佝僂身軀、為了目標奮鬥不懈的 鋼鐵般意志,這片可以說是他二千年後選片最成功的一回了,不管是道德上的矛盾或人道關懷上再加上老艾精湛的演出,再加上結尾對於法律的優越性的畫龍點睛, 那有不看的道理。何況這個片子可以看到老艾不同於以往的表演姿態,那種老爺爺的神韻和招牌無神的表情,把一個行將就木的老頭子演得活靈活現。用周董的話來 說"屌 爆 了"
- He's out of time.
- Yes.
- You invited yourself here to make a final stand.
Our nation tolerates difference of opinions, because we have a civilized and non-violent way of resolving our conflicts. We have the means and methods to protest laws with which we disagree.
You can criticize the law, Lecture by the law, Speak to the media or petition voters, but you must always stay within the limits provided by the law.
You may not break the law, or take the law into your own hands.
No one's unmindful of the controversy and emotion that exists over end-of-life issues and pain control.
I assume the debate will continue in a calm and reasoned forum long after this trial.
And your activities have faded from the public memory.
But this trial was not about that controversy. This trial was about you, sir.
You've ignored and challenged the legislature and Supreme Court.
Moreover, you're defied your own medical profession.
This trail was about lawlessness, about you disregard for a society that exists and flourishes, because of the strength of our legal system.
No one is above the law.
You had the audacity to go on national television, show the world what you did, and dare the legal system to stop you.
You publicly and repeatedly announced your intentions to disregard the laws of Michigan.
Because of this, I am imposing the maximum sentence of 10 to 25 years.
You may now, sir, consider yourself stopped.
這兒不得不稱讚美國的法律制度和他們對法律執行的精神,就如with honor乞丐博士裡喬派西對哈佛教授說有關美國憲法的偉大處在於可以被修改一樣。本片也下了完美的註解,傑克被判刑的原因是因為藐視法庭,體制內改革的 具體精神在美國憲法中被提起。雖然這條路漫長而有可能,但本片看起來比較像是絕望。
這類討論的影片有關抽箊違法、坠 胎、絞刑、安樂死、奴隷制度、同性戀人權等在美國歷史中有很大討論空間。電影謝謝你抽箊(thank you for smoking)、執法風暴(swing Vote)、越過死亡線(Dead Man Walking)、死亡醫生(You Don't Know Jack)、勇者無懼(Amistad)、費城(Philadelphia)等片給予人很多思考空間,這也是為什麼美國法律會那麼吸引人的地方,畢竟有好 萊塢的片子在幫它們打廣告唄。
傑 克到底做了什麼?
1.在此之前傑克沒有違法,是因為關鍵動作是由患者自行運作的,自我決定按下自我了斷的按紐。因 此法律上無法控訴其謀殺。
2. 傑克在電視上公布錄影帶中顯示自己為患者注射安眠針劑而處於深度睡眠,再行注射肌肉鬆弛劑令患者無法自行呼吸而腦部缺氧死亡。這樣的行為令傑克觸法,患者 非自行動 作,算是玩火自焚。老實說我覺得如果讓它無罪後,會有罪犯拿這條案例來開罪。就像很多美國電影裡,殺人犯總是在被抓後進行心理評估,判定為精神異常低能或 幼兒時期的心理創傷使他誤觸法令。
2.安樂死法案若通過會造成美國財政於健康醫療上的支出,會使有權享有照 顧的患者得不到照顧。是的有錢才行。
It is all about money!
這個問題是傑克在法庭中向檢察官點出而沒有明說的重點,it is all about money!
而傑克想去拯救的對像則無法得到真正的關懷,當然他自己拿石頭砸自己的腳 也是一絕。但他也知道法案不會被討論,就像本片最後所說地一樣,本案被拒絕受審上訴無門。
一如一開始為他辯護的律師 會為了政治利益而在申明不再支持傑克的醫療行為一樣,其它的議員與代表更是可能會因為經濟因素、政治獻金對像而與傑克不同調。
傑 克的人道關懷只屬於真正弱勢的族群,而這群人也是最沒有權利享受到人權與權利的人。很悲傷的是,這樣類似的情況今年就發生在台灣,就在陳光標來台的低調之 旅期間的反對浪潮和尊嚴捍衛以及在王法務部長嗆聲反對死刑的作法後迅速下台一樣。其它的就讓知道的知道,不知道的不知道吧,如果因為這篇文章而被告那就慘 了。
Oh, the lingering of death. What a business. Keep death alive. Hospitals don't make money otherwise. Drug companies either. If you're rich and you have the money, you can pay to die. But the poor, they can only afford to stick it out and suffer.
What do you say to people who say,"Dr. Kevorkian, you are playing God"?
I say to them"So what?"
When a doctor gives you a pill,he's playing God...
Surgeons were cutting them open while they were awake.
Did you know that, Geoff?- No.
Oh, yes.And you know why it was banned?
Because of religious dogma.
Because of the foolish notion...
... that there's a God Almighty who wills us to suffer.
Because It's my name.
Because i can not have another in my life.
Because I'm not worth the dust on the feet of them that hang.
How may I live without my name?
I've given you my soul.Leave me my name.